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I Cure in Italia per due date nel 2008

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 07/03/2008 01:49
27/09/2007 21:09
Post: 8.436
Post: 6.843
Registrato il: 13/10/2003
Sesso: Maschile
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Livello: Master
Robert Smith e i suoi rotrovati Cure hanno in programma due concerti in Italia nell'ambito del loro 4Tour2008. Le date fissate sono il 29 febbraio 2008 al Palalottomatica di Roma e il 2 marzo al Palasharp di Milano. Fino alla fine di giugno The Cure suoneranno fra Europa e Stati Uniti, in attesa dell'uscita del nuovo album di inediti, del quale si parla già da qualche mese e che dovrebbe essere pronto per quel periodo. Robert Smith, Simon Gallup, Porl Thompson (il cui rientro nella band nel 2005 ha ricostituito la formazione originale dei Cure) e Jason Cooper per questo 4Tour2008 hanno già promesso ai fan un set di ben tre ore. L'ultimo show del gruppo in Italia, nel 2005 al Teatro Antico di Taormina è stato, per ammissione dello stesso Smith, uno dei migliori di tutta la carriera dei Cure. I biglietti per i due concerti italiani del 4Tour 2008 saranno in vendita a partire da giovedì 4 ottobre nel circuito TicketOne e a seguire nelle prevendite abituali

29/09/2007 09:42
Post: 2.492
Post: 2.458
Registrato il: 18/11/2003
Sesso: Maschile
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Livello: Veteran
io prendo il biglietto per febb? voi?
05/10/2007 18:44
Post: 8.436
Post: 6.843
Registrato il: 13/10/2003
Sesso: Maschile
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Livello: Master
Assalto per i due concerti di Roma e Milano

Nonostante la Siae diffonda dati che non lasciano ben sperare sull’afflusso ai concerti e sulle vendite di dischi, per fortuna ci sono band come i The Cure: ieri, in 5 ore, e per ora sul solo circuito Ticketone, sono stati venduti quasi 3000 biglietti per i 2 concerti che i The Cure terranno fra ben 5 mesi a Roma e Milano, rispettivamente il 29 Febbraio e il 2 marzo 2008.

La storica amatissima band inglese provoca ancora il suo effetto devastante: la corsa al biglietto per 2 concerti, l’anno prossimo e senza un nuovo album da promuovere non è cosa da tutti i giorni.
I Cure di Robert Smith, Simon Gallup, Porl Thompson e Jason Cooper, sono ancora la band che trasforma ogni live in una leggenda degna della propria leggenda, la band che non ha mai deluso le attese dei suoi fans, la band che i fans non deludono mai.
Da oggi Venerdì 5 ottobre saranno disponibili altre prevendite anche negli altri punti vendita abituali.

09/10/2007 12:28
Post: 9.072
Post: 8.420
Registrato il: 11/11/2003
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Ticket preso [SM=x245512]
20/10/2007 23:29
Post: 67
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Registrato il: 07/09/2007
Età: 34
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spero di esserci. vediamo.
28/10/2007 22:40
Post: 8.436
Post: 6.843
Registrato il: 13/10/2003
Sesso: Maschile
Grado: Moderatore
Livello: Master
tre scalette da sogno...

October 20th, 2007 - Mexico City, Mexico (Palacio De Los Deportes)

Tape (intro), Open, Fascination Street, alt.end, Torture, The Walk, The End of the World, Lovesong, Pictures of You, Lullaby, Maybe Someday,
From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, Please Project, Hanging Garden, Push, How Beautiful You Are, Inbetween Days, Just Like Heaven, If Only Tonight We Could Sleep, The Kiss, Us or Them, Never Enough, Wrong Number, Signal To Noise, The Baby Screams, One Hundred Years, End

1st Encore: Let's Go To Bed (with toy piano backing track), Close To Me, Why Can't I Be You?
2nd Encore: Three Imaginary Boys, Fire In Cairo, Boys Don't Cry, Jumping Someone Else's Train, Grinding Halt, 10:15 Saturday Night, Killing An

October 21st, 2007 - Mexico City, Mexico (Palacio De Los Deportes)

Plainsong, Prayers For Rain, A Night Like This, The End of the World, Lovesong, To Wish Impossible Things, Shake Dog Shake, The Figurehead, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, A Strange Day, Please Project, Pictures of You, Lullaby, Catch, Hot Hot Hot, A Boy I Never Knew, Push, Inbetween Days, Just Like Heaven, Primary, Never Enough, Wrong Number, One Hundred Years, Shiver and Shake, Disintegration

1st Encore: At Night, M, Play For Today, A Forest
2nd Encore: The Holy Hour, Other Voices, Faith, Boys Don't Cry

October 22nd, 2007 - Mexico City, Mexico (Palacio De Los Deportes)

Adagio For Strings (Intro), Out of This World, Watching Me Fall, Fascination Street, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, Club America, alt.end, The Blood, The End of the World, Lovesong, A Letter To Elise, The Big Hand, Pictures of You, Lullaby, Kyoto Song, Hot Hot Hot, Please Project, The Walk, Push, Friday I'm in Love, Inbetween Days, Doing the Unstuck, Just Like Heaven, Never Enough, Wrong Number, One Hundred Years, Bloodflowers

1st Encore: Lovecats, Let's Go To Bed, Don't Say Anything, Close To Me, Why Can't I Be You?
2nd Encore: Three Imaginary Boys, Fire In Cairo, Jumping Someone Else's Train, Grinding Halt, Boys Don't Cry, 10:15 Saturday Night, Killing An Arab.

12/02/2008 02:17
Post: 8.436
Post: 6.843
Registrato il: 13/10/2003
Sesso: Maschile
Grado: Moderatore
Livello: Master
12/02/2008 19:52
Post: 9.072
Post: 8.420
Registrato il: 11/11/2003
Sesso: Maschile
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Livello: Supreme
Manca poco alla partenza [SM=x245512]
23/02/2008 12:57
Post: 8.436
Post: 6.843
Registrato il: 13/10/2003
Sesso: Maschile
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Livello: Master
Ecco tutte le varianti possibili dei bis

La foto è stata scattata a Praga.
23/02/2008 13:04
Post: 8.436
Post: 6.843
Registrato il: 13/10/2003
Sesso: Maschile
Grado: Moderatore
Livello: Master
le scalette del tour europeo...
09.02.2008 Stockholm - Hovet (Sweden)
open, alt.end, a night like this, the end of the world, lovesong, pictures of you, lullaby, from the edge of the deep green sea, please project, the walk, push, how beautiful you are..., inbetween days, just like heaven, a boy i never knew, if only tonight we could sleep, the kiss, shake dog shake, us or them, never enough, wrong number, one hundred years, end,
E1: at night, m, play for today, a forest,
E2: let's go to bed, freak show, close to me, why can't i be you?,
E3: boys don't cry, jumping someone else's train, grinding halt, 10:15 saturday night, killing an arab

11.02.2008 Oslo - Spektrum (Norway)
plainsong, fascination street, alt. end, the walk, the end of the world, lovesong, a letter to elise, pictures of you, lullaby, from the edge of the deep green sea, please project, push, friday i'm in love, in between days, just like heaven, a boy i never knew, shake dog shake, never enough, wrong number, one hundred years, disintegration,
E1: at night, m, play for today, a forest,
E2: let's go to bed, freak show, close to me, why can't i be you?,
E3: three imaginary boys, fire in cairo, boys don't cry, jumping someone else's train, grinding halt, 10:15 saturday night, killing an arab

13.02.2008 København - Forum København (Denmark)
plainsong, prayers for rain, fascination street, alt.end, the walk, the end of the world, lovesong, to wish impossible things, pictures of you, lullaby, from the edge of the deep green sea, please project, push, inbetween days, just like heaven, primary, a boy i never knew, us or them, never enough, wrong number, signal to noise, one hundred years, disintegration,
E1: at night, m, play for today, a forest,
E2: let's go to bed, freak show, close to me, why can't i be you?,
E3: boys don't cry, jumping someone else's train, grinding halt, 10.15 saturday night, killing an arab

15.02.2008 Hamburg - Color Line Arena (Germany)
plainsong, prayers for rain, fascination street, alt.end, the walk, the end of the world, lovesong, to wish impossible things, pictures of you, lullaby, from the edge of the deep green sea, hot hot hot!!!, please project, push, how beautiful you are..., friday i'm in love, just like heaven, primary, a boy i never knew, us or them, never enough, wrong number, one hundred years, disintegration,
E1: at night, m, play for today, a forest,
E2: let's go to bed, freak show, close to me, why can't i be you?,
E3: boys don't cry, jumping someone else's train, grinding halt, 10:15 saturday night, killing an arab

16.02.2008 Berlin - Velodrom (Germany)
plainsong, prayers for rain, alt.end, please project, a night like this, the walk, the end of the world, lovesong, to wish impossible things, pictures of you, lullaby, from the edge of the deep green sea, the drowning man, push, just like heaven, primary, a boy i never knew, if only tonight we could sleep..., the kiss, never enough, wrong number, one hundred years, disintegration,
E1: at night, m, play for today, a forest,
E2: the lovecats, let's go to bed, freak show, close to me, why can't i be you?,
E3: three imaginary boys, fire in cairo, boys don't cry, jumping someone else's train, grinding halt, 10:15 saturday night, killing an arab

18.02.2008 Warszawa - Hala Torwar (Poland)

plainsong, prayers for rain, fascination street, a strange day, alt.end, a night like this, the end of the world, lovesong, pictures of you, lullaby, the figurehead, from the edge of the deep green sea, please project, push, inbetween days, just like heaven, primary, a boy i never knew, us or them, never enough, wrong number, the hanging garden, one hundred years, disintegration,
E1: at night, m, play for today, a forest,
E2: let's go to bed, freak show, close to me, why can't i be you?,
E3: boys don't cry, jumping someone else's train, grinding halt, 10:15 saturday night, killing an arab

19.02.2008 Katowice - Spodek (Poland)
open, fascination street, alt.end, the walk, the end of the world, lovesong, a letter to elise, to wish impossible things, pictures of you, lullaby, from the edge of the deep green sea, hot hot hot!!!, please project, push, how beautiful you are, inbetween days, just like heaven, a boy i never knew, shake dog shake, never enough, wrong number, signal to noise, one hundred years, end,
E1: at night, m, play for today, a forest,
E2: three imaginary boys, fire in cairo, boys don't cry, jumping someone else's train, grinding halt, 10:15 saturday night, killing an arab,
E3: why can't i be you?

21.02.2008 Praha - T-Mobile Arena (Czech Republic)
plainsong, prayers for rain, a strange day, alt.end, the baby screams, the end of the world, lovesong, to wish impossible things, pictures of you, lullaby, maybe someday, from the edge of the deep green sea, kyoto song, please project, push, inbetween days, just like heaven, primary, a boy i never knew, us or them, never enough, wrong number, one hundred years, disintegration,
E1: if only tonight we could sleep, the kiss,
E2: at night, m, play for today, a forest,
E3: boys don't cry, jumping someone else's train, grinding halt, 10:15 saturday night, killing an arab

03/03/2008 12:59
Post: 1.279
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Registrato il: 22/12/2004
Sesso: Femminile
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Livello: Senior
Posso dire liberamente ciò che penso del gruppo di supporto 65 Days Of Static? Erano un po' stitic. Non s'è mosso nessuno. [SM=x245577]
03/03/2008 19:55
Post: 9.072
Post: 8.420
Registrato il: 11/11/2003
Sesso: Maschile
Grado: Admin
Livello: Supreme
I 65daysofstatic sono stati assolutamente fantastici.
Meno male, perchè se aspettavamo i Cure...
04/03/2008 16:54
Emanuele Brunetto, 03/03/2008 19.55:

I 65daysofstatic sono stati assolutamente fantastici.
Meno male, perchè se aspettavamo i Cure...

I Cure non si sono presentati? [SM=x245509]

07/03/2008 01:49
Post: 9.072
Post: 8.420
Registrato il: 11/11/2003
Sesso: Maschile
Grado: Admin
Livello: Supreme
Mi hanno personalmente deluso.
Tutto qui.
Ma alla quarta volta può anche starci.
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